Full Solutions for YouTube TV Buffering on Phone/TV/Computer

2021-07-05 17:57:49
0 views, 5 min read

Have you ever been in the middle of watching a brand new episode of your favorite show, only for it to suddenly stop because of your YouTube TV buffering incessantly? You're 20 minutes into it, the action scene starts playing, and suddenly - bam! Your device freezes and you're left sitting there watching the little wheel turn and turn. It's really the same feeling you get from someone eating that last slice of pizza you'd been saving - disappointing and frustrating.

fix youtube tv buffering

The good news is that we're here to help save you from those emotions, although there's not much we can do for the pizza situation. In this article, we'll show you some troubleshooting tips you can use no matter what device you're streaming on. You'll find answers on how to fix your YouTube TV not working or buffering on your phone, TV, and computer.

Part 1: How Do You Get YouTube TV to Stop Buffering?

Let's look into some ways you can fix the problem you're dealing with.

Solutions to Stop YouTube TV from Buffering on Your Computer

Let's start with how to fix the issue on your computer. These fixes are quick, simple, and applicable to both Mac and PC computers.

1. Change the Video Quality.

YouTube will select your automatic video quality based on your internet connection speed, screen size, and quality of the original video. However, higher-quality can mean slower loading causing your YouTube TV to keep freezing. To change this from your computer, locate the "settings" gear icon on the app. Click the "quality" option, and find a lower one you can choose instead.

youtube tv video quality

2. Close Some Tabs/Change Browsers.

Too many tabs open at the same time means each one is competing for memory space and speed. Streaming means you need enough space in the device's memory for the video to be able to play. Closing some tabs will free up that much needed room. On that same note, some browsers are designed to use less memory space to begin with (like Opera, Firefox, or Chrome), so swapping them around to find the best option for your computer is a smart solution as well.

3. Check Your Internet Speed.

The faster your internet, the quicker your YouTube TV can buffer. Not sure how fast yours is? Checking it is incredibly easy. Just Google "check your internet speed" and you'll be provided with a speed test you can click right on the first results page. It takes just a few seconds and can be an unexpected solution to your problem.

4. Restart Your Computer.

None of the options above work? Go for the tried-and-true option of rebooting your computer. Restarting it gives it a chance to take a breath and clean itself to help speed up processing when you turn it back on.

restart computer

Solutions to Stop YouTube TV from Buffering on Your TV or Phone

If you're watching from your smart TV or phone, the solutions will look a bit different. But, they're just as helpful and efficient.

1. Reopen the YouTube TV App.

Sometimes your app might get backed up and need a quick reboot to start working again. Be sure to fully close the app, not just exit out of it to ensure peak restarting.

2. Restart Your Router/Phone.

Following the same train of thought as the point above, you might need to restart your router. Simply unplug it from the wall, and then plug it back in. Give it a few seconds to start up again, and try the app once more. Restarting your actual phone is also a good idea!

3. Check How Many Devices Are in Use.

Depending on the plan you've purchased, your YouTube TV account might only allow for a limited amount of devices to be used at the same time. If someone else is using it already, you might find your YouTube TV keeps buffering. Also worth noting that streaming on both a phone and a computer at the same time counts as one device each.

4. Clear App Cache Data

This a great tip not only for when your YouTube TV is not working but also for when any page is not loading properly on your browser. Clearing your cache is excellent for increasing website loading times, and overall performance. While the exact steps will vary based on your device type, the section for this will normally be under settings.

5. Check for Required Updates

The version of the app you're using might be a bit dated. Check your app store (or equivalent) to see if a new version that you can download is out yet. Keeping up with your app updates helps with bugs, new features, increased speed, and overall better performance.

6. Check YouTube TV Status.

If none of the solutions above (or the ones below) seem to be fixing the problem for you, you might want to check the app's status as system can fail at times. Google "YouTube TV status" and click open any result you see at the top there. This will tell you if there's a widespread issue affecting more than just you.

youtube tv status

7. Check the Location Permissions.

Some apps are restricted in certain countries, so you want to make sure you're showing that you're located within one of the accepted locations. Navigate to the settings section on your device, and find the section about location permissions. Make sure it's turned on for your YouTube TV app.

youtube tv settings

8. Contact Internet Service Provider.

If all else fails, turn to the big boys for help. Your internet service provider should have a customer service phone number or email you can use. They should be able to help you troubleshoot further how to prevent your YouTube TV from crashing.

FAQ - Why Does YouTube TV Keep Buffering?

Based on the solutions mentioned above, it's clear to see that there are several reasons why your YouTube TV might not be working. We've split them into two main types for easier understanding.

  • Technical Issues: The majority of the problems you'll encounter with your YouTube TV buffering will probably be because of technical issues. Mostly, things that slow your device down causing the service to take longer to load. If your computer, TV, or phone has low, or no memory space left or if your internet is just slow, it's likely your watching experience will be affected. Having too many apps (or tabs on your browser) open or even needing to update your app version to the newest one will also affect your overall experience. Lastly, depending on your internet speed, you might find that using more than one device at the same time forces your router to split into too many places at once causing it to slow down. Try turning off devices you're not using at that time!

  • Device Issues: If technical problems aren't what's causing your constant buffering, the other option is device-based issues. If your device is too old and doesn't have the ability to support the YouTube TV app, or if your wifi connection is too congested, you might find yourself with buffering issues. Sometimes, changing to an ethernet connection by using hardwired internet might help solve that. Another option could be a manufacturing issue if the problem is on your smart TV. In that case, reaching out to their customer service department would be a good place to start.


In essence, there's a variety of problems that could be causing your YouTube TV buffering all the time. While there are two major types of issues that could be causing the malfunction (device issues, and technical issues) the solution you need will also largely depend on what type of device you're streaming on. Just try the above ways to get your YouTube TV buffering problem solved.

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Simon Marcus
Simon Marcus
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